Educational Classes

Preparing For Childbirth   *   Baby Basics   *   Breastfeeding Basics

We teach these classes 3 times a year; February, June and September. Register for all educational course/classes: 

Using this Link

Childbirth Education

September 23, 30 Oct 7, 14

4 Week Course 


6:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Preparing for Childbirth: 

Pregnancy Changes

Preterm labor 

Glossary and Terms

Stages of Labor

Comfort Measures (hands on labor support)

Pain Medications

Assisted Medical deliveries (Kiwi, Forceps, C/Sections...)


Pushing and Delivery

What happens the first hour after delivery.

Early postpartum from hospital to home, what no one talks about

Payment for Childbirth Education Course: 

Use this link

Baby Basics

October 21, 2024

1 week/day Class for 3 hours 


6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Baby Basics: 

They sent me home with a baby and there was no owner's manual! 

Diapering, bathing, burping, safe sleep, pacifiers, bottles, feeding challenges, emotional challenges, car seat safety/install (by a certified tech), when to introduce foods, sleep sacs, swaddling, newborn appearances; and more. 

Payment for Baby Basics: 

Use this link

Breastfeeding  Basics

October 28th, 2024

1 week/day Class for 3 hours 


6:00 pm - 9:00 pm


If breastfeeding is "natural why is it so challenging? 

Positions, latching, breastfeeding challenges, burping, infections, returning to work, bottles, pumping, flanges, storage, medical benefits to mom and baby and more. 

Payment for Breastfeeding:

 Use this link

Bundle Prices: Use this Link